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Weco Butterfly Valves

Sizing Information


Non-Compressible Fluids

Use the following equations for sizing valves handling liquids






= Flow in gallons per minute (gpm)
= Pressure Drop (psi)
= Inlet pressure (psia)
= Outlet Pressure (psia)
= Specific Gravity of Liquid (Water = 1.0)
= Valve Coefficient (Refer to Appropriate Table)

The equations listed above are the basis for the WECO sizing nomogram.  The nomogram is a method of solving the equations above quickly and simply when the service fluid is water.




A 6" Weco Butterfly Valve is to be installed in a line handling 500 gpm of water.
Find: Maximum pressure drop across the valve when in the full open and 60° open positions
Solution: This problem may be solved using the nomogram or equation (C)
First Using the Nomogram: Enter nomogram on right side for a flow rate of 500 gpm. Draw horizontal line until it intersects the 6" valve line. From this point draw a vertical line until it intersects the 90° open line. Project line horizontally to the left and read .061 psi for 60° open.
Using Equation C Pressure Drop =


= 500 gpm
= Formula
= Specific Gravity of Liquid (Water = 1.0)
=  2020 @ 90° open (from tables)


GPM @ PSI @ Various Disc Angles

Valve Size, In

10° 20° 30° 40° 50° 60° 70° 80° 90°
2 1.59 6.17 14.2 26.3 44.5 70.6 105 135 159
21/2 2.33 9.06 20.9 38.6 65.3 104 156 215 266
3 3.50 13.6 31.4 57.9 98.0 156 240 342 457
4 6.16 23.9 55.1 102 173 274 423 625 860
5 9.56 37.2 85.6 158 268 426 656 970 1,320
6 13.7 53.3 123 227 384 610 941 1,420 2,020
8 24.2 94.3 217 401 679 1,080 1,66 2,500 3,540
10 37.3 145 334 617 1,040 1,660 2,560 3,830 5,580
12 53.7 209 481 888 1,500 2,390 3,690 5,620 8,080
14 61 166 650 1,300 2,100 3,500 5,220 8,000 13,000
16 81 477 960 1,700 2,900 4,920 7,000 11,000 17,000
18 125 535 1,120 1,960 3,500 5,800 8,000 15,000 19,000
20 161 723 1,500 2,700 4,800 7,900 12,500 18,500 27,000
24 305 921 2,000 3,640 6,175 10,350 17,500 24,000 35,000



butterfly valves, chiksan, weco, fmc, baton rouge, louisiana, plug,oil field, petrochemical, sour gas